
Validators are used to check whether database model matches customs rules, like naming rules. A rule a class implementing the MDValidator interface.


Validator configuration can be expressed in two formats: XML and properties.

Each validation rule is an instance of a validator class. Each instance of validator must have a unique name to identify it. Validator properties can be injected with values. There can be multiple instances of the same validator class (with different properties values)

XML Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dbtb:validators xmlns:xsi=""
    <dbtb:validator name="ValidatorName" class="net.sourceforge.dbtoolbox.validator.ValidatorClass">
        <dbtb:property name="validatorProperty">Validator Property Value</dbtb:property>
        <dbtb:property name="anotherValidatorProperty">Another Validator Property Value</dbtb:property>
    <dbtb:validator name="AnotherValidatorName" class="net.sourceforge.dbtoolbox.validator.AnotherValidatorClass"/>

Properties Format

validator.ValidatorName.validatorProperty=Validator Property Value
validator.ValidatorName.anotherValidatorProperty=Another Validator Property Value


Basic validators

DB Toolbox comes with some basic validation rules

Validation rules hierarchy


Checks that element name matchers regular expression.

elementClass Target model class (subclass of ElementMD)
elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation
nameRegEx Java Regular expression


Checks that element name length is between min and max. This can be done with a regular expression (see above) as well.

elementClass Target model class (subclass of ElementMD)
elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation
min,max Minimum and maximum name length


Checks that element name is not in a list of forbidden names (avoid usage of reserved keywords).

elementClass Target model class (subclass of ElementMD)
names Coma separated, list of forbidden words
elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation


Checks that column count is between min and max.

elementClass Target model class (subclass of ElementMD and ColumnSet: TableMD, PrimaryKeyMD...)
elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation
min,max Minimum and maximum value


Checks that table has primary key.

elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation


Checks that table has primary key.


Checks that primary key matches an index.

elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation


Checks that foreign key references a primary key.

elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation


Checks that foreign key references an index.

elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation


Checks that table has at least one relation to another table (avoid abandonned tables).

elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation


Checks that element validates against a Groovy script.

elementClass Target model class (subclass of ElementMD and ColumnSet: TableMD, PrimaryKeyMD...)
elementMatcher Groovy expression to include/exclude elements from validation
scriptFile Groovy script file containing validator code
bindingName Name of the script variable corresponding to element being validated. Defaults to 'object'.

Sample Groovy script:

if (!"ABC")) {
    validatorMessages.add(validator.createMessage(table,"Name is not prefixed by ABC"));

Three Groovy variables are pre initialised:

  • object (can be changed using bindingName): The element being validated (table, column...)
  • validator: The validator being run
  • validatorMessages: The collection of messages raised by validators.